Critical Thinking Assignment

“Not only do we tend to think about the world according to what we want to see and what we need to see, we tend to think in terms of what we expect to see.”

I think this is true because if we expect to see something we may focus on seeing just that thing. Critical thinking allows you to gather more information and focus on the important pieces. By focusing on the important parts of the information we can see more of what is true than what we want to see or expect to see. This is good because without critical thinking you can have a hard time figuring out what it is true and what you think should be true or expect to be true. Without those skills we cant gather reliable information or write things without bias.

Game Objects

Manual reference on the Unity Documentation Site

Scripting reference on the Unity Documentation Site

coordinate system

projection to orthographic

 global/local coordinate system

game objects

create empty

game objects that do stuff

mesh filter, box Collider, and mesh Collider

Other Objects; sphere, plane, etc.

Components (18:55)

lights and more component stuffs


Universal Lighting


le duc is pressing buttons (transforms continued)


Order of operations



Contemporary Game Assignment

Game Reviewed:        Swords and Sandals 2

Game Platform: PC

1. Provide a detailed overview of the objective of the game.

The Objective of the game is to create a character and level them up and increase their skills. if your character dies you have to create a new one and start over. The game is sort of like an RPG as in you can choose what stats to level up and improve, as well as items to upgrade and buy and use. You must fight in the arenas for as long as possible until your eventual death.

2. List 3 or more things you like about the game. Why?

I like that it can be replayed over and over again – because you learn how to access more gear and level up more each time you play.

I like that it has a leveling system… It could use improvements such as letting me apply points to every aspect rather than just four. But since it makes the game more difficult, I guess it works.

I like the combat system because it is super simple and can be exploited. For instance, most of the NPCs wont charge at you, so you can sit there and just charge at them or set up attacks before they reach you. The system is turn based so that also makes it fun.

3. List 3 or more things you do not like about the game. Why?

I dislike the graphics. They are a bit too cartoony for me. I want either realistic games or an arcade kind of vibe.

I dislike the fact that you can get enchants for free on some weapons, and on others you have to spend a whole lot of cash.

I dislike not being able to just duel the whole time. you have to enter tournaments and so your character is forced to fight and die eventually.

List 3 or more reasons why you think the game you are reviewing is successful.

Because the game is fairly fun and hasn’t gotten boring yet.

I think that the game is successful because it has a skill system for people to play with.

I also think it’s successful because of the character creation area, creating characters is a lot of fun for some people, even if the character is definitely going to die.

MDA Framework and Genre

MDA Framework


• Rules and systems that create the play we experience.
• Example: the math you use for shooting in a first person shooter.


• the actual experience you’ll play that those mechanics come together to create.
• Example: Running and gunning games


• the underlying emotive reasons we go to that game for.
• Example: experiencing the fantasy of being a marine.

Eight Type of Aesthetics

  1. Sensation (Game as sense-pleasure): Player experiences something completely unfamiliar.
  2. Fantasy (Game as make-believe): Imaginary world.
  3. Narrative (Game as drama): A story that drives the player to keep coming back
  4. Challenge (Game as obstacle course): Urge to master something. Boosts a game’s replayability.
  5. Fellowship (Game as social framework): A community where the player is an active part of it. Almost exclusive for multiplayer games.
  6. Discovery (Game as uncharted territory): Urge to explore game world.
  7. Expression (Game as self-discovery): Own creativity. For example, creating character resembling player’s own avatar.
  8. Submission (Game as pastime): Connection to the game, as a whole, despite of constraints.” – Wikipedia

Notes on the eight


Making Your First Game Advice

• Scope

• Don’t create your first game with a specific idea

• Watch tutorials/ ask questions

• Design your game around your skills

• Feel free to use the asset store

• Don’t give up


• Don’t plan a project that you think will take you more than a month.

• It’s going to take you longer than a month…

• Don’t worry about the design of your first game.

• Set milestones.

• Break down the milestone into smaller tasks.

• check off milestones and tasks as you complete them.

• send yourself reminders/ emails.

• review the game at least once a week.

• don’t worry about production values.

• don’t spend more than an hour on any problem on a game.

• Make people play your game!

• Minimum viable product

• what is the minimum you can build and test?

• have a reset trigger

• function > Content

5 Capstone Project Ideas

2-d Maze game

• A game where the character is stuck in a maze of rooms. you must navigate through each room fighting different enemies in order to unlock the next room. each floor of the maze should end with a boss battle. (Kinda like The Binding of Isaac)


Top down Shooter

• Must fend off zombies, monsters, and ghosts… “Why aren’t we running instead?”

Racing game

• Food racing
• Cars: Yam car, Ham car, Breakfast Racer, Bacon motorcycle, Donut Wheel. You unlock more cars as you win races against AI.

Color matching puzzle game

• Kind of like simon, get a pattern of colors and match them. gets harder the longer you go without losing.

2-D Platformer

• Kind of like Hollow knight. Sort of like a maze, you must backtrack and solve puzzles in order to continue… Maybe add enemies? Findable weapons for going to secret areas. Puzzles: Finding a lever for a door, pushing buttons in the correct order, Just navigating the levels… finding stuff for NPCS? anything requiring backtracking and getting lost.

• Enemies… zombies? Monsters? Chairs??????!?!??!?!

Roll A Ball

Over the past few days I have been working in Unity to create the roll a ball game. The game is a just ball rolling around collecting objects. I have everything set up, but the player controller code recently began giving me troubles. I’m hoping I will be able to fix it at home. I’ve begun sifting through the code in order to find the mistake, If I have to, I will rewrite the player controller code and maybe the other codes.